Arts Award Supporter
Arts Award’s unique qualifications support young people to develop as artists and arts leaders. The programme develops their creativity, leadership and communication skills.
Open to anyone aged up to 25, Arts Award embraces all interests and backgrounds. Through working towards an award young people learn to work independently, helping them to prepare for further education and employment.
Arts Award motivates and celebrates young people’s artistic achievements. Young people can achieve an award through any arts, media or cultural activity, developing knowledge and understanding of their chosen art forms.
Arts Award Supporters venues like Phoenix are arts and cultural organisations which offer events, activities and opportunities which help young people achieve Arts Awards.
Visits to our screenings and gallery align to the Arts Award criteria really well, while bespoke workshops and activities can be curated to suit your needs and budget.
For more information on Arts Award and Artsmark visit our local Arts Council England Bridge Organisation, The Mighty Creatives.