Lord Christian Brighty: An Apology to the Good People of Leicester (WIP)
All tickets
Year: 2024
Duration: 60 mins
Certificate: 16+
"★★★★ – The outrageously silly meets the eye-wateringly witty" – Scotsman
★★★★ – Telegraph
Hot on the Hooves of BBC Radio 4's 'The Many Wrongs Of Lord Christian Brighty', the reformed rake returns to Leicester to make up for his wrongdoings, and see what new ones he can get away with.
If Lord Brighty can't address your grievances in this hour of comedy mayhem, then at least he tried and you just should drop it, alright?
Best New Show Nominee (Leicester Comedy Festival 2022)
Best Reviewed Shows (BCG, Edinburgh Fringe 2022)
Screening Key
Audio Described
Descriptive Subtitled
Autism Friendly